Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Kitchen Evolution II

This is the "his" side of the kitchen - counter tops and cabinets are making a huge difference, but there are still a lot of details to be completed.

The cabinets are two-toned, darker on bottom, lighter on top on purpose, so are the countertops, although you can't tell in the photo above.  We still need the exhaust hood completed above the stove - must put a hole through the wall before that can happen.  No paint, no floors, but we're getting closer.

This is the dining area side of the cabinet divider.  Dishes, flatware and linens are stored in these cabinets.

The "hers" side of the kitchen.  Tony is the primary cook in the family.  In our old kitchen, the microwave was above the stove and the sink was just around the corner from the stove.  Tony would always get annoyed when I just wanted to stir up a sauce, make a salad or put something in the microwave while he was busy with some major production meal.  So now I have a mini-kitchen of my own, a place to work that is well out of his way.  And about things that are never really finished - the built-in coffee maker that is shown above has since been moved to the left - neither of us liked it in this particular spot, but it seemed like the best spot at the time it was first installed so that we wouldn't have to saw through a wall stud.
I believe in having his and her kitchens and his and her bathrooms whenever possible - it sure keeps a lot of territorial disputes from ever arising!
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